Our staff combines decades of experience in wind energy with a solid scientific background of highly educated physicists and engineers.
This combination of theory and practice shapes our perspective. On this page you will find all scientific publications and professional articles we have published in the last 20 years.
For additional publications in German, please also refer to our German website here.
Leif Rehfeldt
+49 4451 9515 225
- Status of Onshore Wind Energy Development in Germany_First Half 2024.pdf (1.1 MB)
- Status of Offshore Wind Energy Development in Germany_First Half 2024.pdf (720.2 kb)
- Status of Offshore Wind Energy Development_Year 2023.pdf (810.1 kb)
- Status of Onshore Wind Energy Development in Germany_Year 2023.pdf (1.0 MB)
- Status of Offshore Wind Energy Development in Germany_First Half 2023.pdf (803.6 kb)
- Status of Onshore Wind Energy Development in Germany_First Half 2023.pdf (755.3 kb)
- Status of Onshore Wind Energy Development in Germany_Year 2022.pdf (817.0 kb)
- Status of Offshore Wind Energy Development_Year 2022.pdf (699.4 kb)
- Status of Onshore Wind Energy Development in Germany_First Half 2022.pdf (675.9 kb)
- Status of Offshore Wind Energy Development_First Half 2022.pdf (787.6 kb)
- Status of Onshore Wind Energy Development in Germany_Year 2021.pdf (786.5 kb)
- Status of Offshore Wind Energy Development_Year 2021.pdf (716.6 kb)
Effect of the insertion depth on calibration results of vane anemometers
IR thermographic visualization of flow separation in applications with low thermal contrast
- FRT Test System compact for 27 MVA with less Grid Burdens.pdf (236.2 kb)
- Observed reduction of sensitivities by vector averaging.pdf (1.6 MB)
- Factsheet_Status_Offshore Wind Energy Development in Germany_1st Half 2018.pdf (732.7 kb)
- Factsheet_Status_Land-based Wind Energy Development Germany_1st Half 2018.pdf (699.3 kb)
- Capacity Density of European Offshore Windfarmslr.pdf (6.8 MB)
- Influence of mounting tube diameter on anemometer output.pdf (1.5 MB)
- Calibration of wind direction sensors.pdf (1.1 MB)
- Quantitative Rotorblade Surface Condition Measurement by means of Thermographic Flow Visualization.pdf (6.8 MB)
- White Box vs. Black Box Calibration of a 2-Beam Nacelle LiDAR.pdf (955.6 kb)
- Influence of mounting tube diameter on anemometer output.pdf (1.1 MB)
- PROMOTION Intermediate Report - Financing framework for meshed offshore grid investments.pdf (1.3 MB)
- Verification of electrical Behavior of Energy Storage to the Grid German Transformation of NC RfG.pdf (1.9 MB)
- A Novel Lidar System - First Results of Highly Resolved Wind Vector Measurements.pdf (1.3 MB)
- Remote Sensing Measurement Height Verification.pdf (890.3 kb)
- Advances in the Treatment of the Influence of Meteorological Variables on Wind Turbine Power Curves in Warranties.pdf (66.5 kb)
- What shall I do with a conventional UVRT Test Rig to carry out OVRT Tests and other Tests required for a full model validation.pdf (225.9 kb)
- Power Curve Uncertainty of Rotor Equivalent Wind Speed.pdf (563.2 kb)
- Survey on International Practice of Calculating Harmonic Current Emission Limits.pdf (719.1 kb)
- Thermographic Detection of separated Flow.pdf (2.0 MB)
- Experience with Measurement and Certification of the Over Voltage Capability of Wind Turbines after Introduction of the New High Voltage Grid Code VDE 4120.pdf (305.0 kb)
- Pitch and Roll Angle Calibration for Scanning LiDARs to Reduce Uncertainties in Measurement Height.pdf (1.3 MB)
- Poster Advances in the Treatment of the Influence of Meteorological Variables on Wind Turbine Power Curves in Warranties.pdf (97.1 kb)
- Improvement of PGU Simulation Models based on FRT Test Rig with adjustable Voltage Vector and Short-Circuit Power.pdf (1.1 MB)
- NorthSeaGrid-Offshore Electricity Grid Implementation in the North Sea.pdf (4.2 MB)
- Relevant parameters during anemometer calibration.pdf (2.6 MB)
- Wind Technology, Cost, and Performance Trends in Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Norway, the European Union, and the United States 2007-2012.pdf (3.5 MB)
- High-Voltage-Ride-Through Test System Based on Transformer Switching.pdf (716.1 kb)
- Assessment of Production Losses Due to Rotor Blade Icing.pdf (601.9 kb)
- Power Consistency Warranty- Closing the Gap between Availability and Power Curve Warranty.pdf (443.8 kb)
- Ground-based remote sensor uncertainty - a case study for a wind lidar.pdf (586.4 kb)
- Critical Limitations of Wind Turbine Power Curve Warranties.pdf (126.0 kb)