Accreditations, Certifications & Committees
Deutsche WindGuard stands for independent services on the highest quality level.
A majority of our subsidiaries is accredited by the German accreditation body (DAkkS – Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH) for technically advanced services. This offers our customers the reliability of objective, internationally recognised results with a consistently high quality standard.
Accreditations & Certifications
Below we provide you with detailed information on our accreditations and certifications.
The accreditation certificates are also available under the individual services on this website.
Certified occupational health and safety management system according to ISO 45001
The certificat is available here >>>
DAkkS-accredited calibration laboratory according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
The accreditation certificate is available here >>>
The following services are accredited:
- Calibration of ground-based remote wind sensing devices (wind speed and wind direction)
- Calibration of nacelle-based remote wind sensing devices (line-of-sight wind speed, opening angles and inclination)
We hold flexible accreditation for a large part of our services. An overview of the currently valid issuing statuses is available here >>>
DAkkS-accredited testing laboratory according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
The accreditation certificate is available here >>>
The following services are accredited:
- Determination of Wind Turbines Power Curves
- Execution and Evaluation of Wind Measurements by Anemometer and/or Remote Sensing
- Determination of Site Quality
- Determination of Wind Potential and Energy Yields
- Determination of Turbulence Intensity by Means of Measurements and/or Calculation
- Noise Propagation and Noise Immission Measurements
- Noise Immission Determination by Calculation
- Determination of Shadow Flicker Immission by Calculation
- Load Measurement on Wind Turbines
- Determination of Noise Immission
- Modul Immission Control
We hold flexible accreditation for a large part of our services. An overview of the currently valid issuing statuses is available here >>>
Conformity seal of the Fördergesellschaft Windenergie und andere Dezentrale Energien (FGW)
for the following services:
- Measurement of power curves
- Measurement of noise emission
Full member of Measnet
and accepted for
- Measurements of wind turbine power curves
- Wind Measurements
The certificate is available here >>>
IECRE-approved testing laboratory
in the areas of
- power performance measurements
- loads measurements
The certificate is available here >>>
Recognized body for authority-mandated emission and immission measurements
for the assessment of noise from wind turbines according to §29 Bundes Immissionsschutz Gesetz (BImSchG)
DAkkS-accredited inspection body type A according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 for onshore and offshore wind turbines
The accreditation certificate is available here >>>
The following services are accredited:
- Inspections of wind turbines and their components
- Recurring inspections
- Commissioning inspections and inspections to document turbine status
- Endoscopic examinations of wind turbines by assessing and determining compliance with specific and - based on expert judgement - with general requirements
Certified management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
The certificate for Deutsche WindGuard Offshore in Varel is available here >>>
The certificate for Deutsche WindGuard Offshore in Elsfleth is available here >>>
The certificate for Deutsche WindGuard Offshore in Norden is available here >>>
Certified by AssZert Zertifizierungsgesellschaft mbH
Offshore Basic Safety Training (certified according to GWO Basic Safety Training-Standard and GWO Basic Safety Training Refresher Standard)
The certificate is available here >>>
Certified by DNV GL Renewables Certification
Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET)
The certificate is available here >>>
GWO-certified training provider
DAkkS-accredited calibration laboratory according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
The accreditation certificate is available here >>>
The following services are accredited:
- Calibration of anemometers and wind direction sensors (flow velocities of gases)
Member of Measnet
and accepted for
- Anemometer calibration
The certificate is available here >>>
IECRE-approved testing laboratory
- in the area of Anemometer calibration
The certificate is available here >>>
Growth needs standards. The compatibility of components within the electrical grid, the connection to the grid, legal certainty for both providers and policy-makers: worldwide, experts engage in recognised professional bodies to establish common guidelines and standards. We want things to move forward. Working actively in all major harmonization and standardization bodies as well as international research projects, we don’t just work according to standards – we set them. WindGuard specialists play a decisive role in the following national and international committees.
BWE – Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V.
(German Wind Energy Association)
- Wind expert committee
- Expert committee
- Operator committee
- Continued operation/technology and system safety committee
- Grid committee
FGW – Fördergesellschaft Windenergie
(Wind energy advancement association)
- Committee of electrical properties FAEE (superior committee of FGW TR3, TR4 TR8)
- Technical committee noise DKE/K-383, IEC TC88 Noise measurement
- Working group FGW TR1 Determination of noise emission values
- Working group FGW TR2 Performance curves
- Working group FGW TR3 Measuring of units and plants (WTG and parks)
- Working group FGW TR4 Modeling of units and plants
- Working Group FGW TR6 Wind potential and energy yields
- Working group FGW TR7 verification test
- Working Group FGW TR8 Certification
- Working group FGW TR10 Determination of site quality
- Meeting of the certification bodies
- Meeting of the measuring institutes
WAB e.V.
- Member of the board
- Working group Service & Operation
- Working group foundation structures and steel construction
- Corrosion Protection Group
Stiftung Offshore-Windenergie
(German Offshore Wind Energy Foundation)
- Member of the board
- Working group offshore grid connection
- Round table maritime security partnership
- Membership scientific advisory board
Deutsche Forschungsvereinigung für Mess-, Regelungs- und Systemtechnik e.V.
(German Research Association for Measurement, Control and Systems Engineering)
- Chairman of the board
- Member of the board
Forschungsnetzwerk erneuerbare Energien
(Renewable Energies Research Network)
- Coordination of the Technical Committee Offshore Wind Energy
Oldenburger Energiecluster OLEC e.V.
- Member
Verband der akkreditierter Zertifizierungsstellen (VAZ e.V.)
(Association of accredited certification bodies)
- Member Working Group Networks
and many more:
BMWK industry dialogue network connections BSH
Meeting of the inspection officers
DKD FA flow measurements
FNN EN EU NC expert network European grid connection guidelines
Offshore NETWORK Norddeich
MCN Maritime Economy Offshore Wind
Concept rescue offshore wind industry
IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission
- IEC 61400-12-1 maintenance team (Power curve)
- IEC 61400-13 maintenance team (Stress measurements)
- IEC 61400-15 maintenance team (Site Assessment)
- IEC 61400-50-1 maintenance team
- IEC 61400-50-3 maintenance team (Wind measurement Gondellidar)
- IECRE Stakeholder Group 550 "Certification Bodies"
- IECRE Stakeholder Group 551 "Test Laboratories"
- IECRE Stakeholder Group 554 "Small Wind"
Measnet – International Network for Harmonised and Recognised Measurements in Wind Energy
- Full member
- Power Curve Expert Group
- Remote Sensing Expert Group
- Site Assessment Expert Group
- Load measurement Expert Group
- Anemometer Calibration Expert Group
IEA – International Energy Agency
- IEA Task 43 - Wind Energy Digitalization
- IEA Task 52 - Large-Scale Deployment of Wind Lidar
- IEA Task 53 - Eind Energy Economics
- IEA Task 54 - Cold Climate Wind
- WindEurope (formerly EWEA – European Wind Energy Association)
- Power Curve Working Group, Indian Committee (ET42) of IEC TC88 regarding power characteristic curve, represented by Deutsche WindGuard India
- Power curve working group (PCWG) which is a subgroup of ET42 that is part of IEC TC88 group. ET42 is the Indian apex body for harmonisation all IEC standards and is chaired by BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) and NIWE (National Institute of Wind Energy)
- Power Curve Expert Group
Tobias Künne
+49 4451 9515 142